Sunday, September 1, 2013

Southern State of Mind.

I've always been a Southern girl. Raised on yes ma'ams and yes sirs and ate at the table with cloth napkins every night. Now, for those who weren't raised in the South, the South is a special kind of place. The only place that stays true to its down home roots and classic traditions. A small, Southern town was even more "backwards"to today's society. Little things about the south irritate me. I hate the close mindedness that a lot of you have come to know the South by. But, there are a lot of magical things about the South. Tea is sweet and people are sweeter. You can't go a day without hearing a "Bless Her/His/Your Heart."Church is embedded in a Southern girl's blood, and you won't find a single Southern girl that doesn't have her Daddy wrapped around her finger. She argues with her mama, but at the end of the day she's exactly like her. The Southern girl is fiercely independent, sometimes to her own detriment. The Southern girl thinks with her heart instead of her mind. The Southern girl knows  every word to Amazing Grace and Ring of Fire. The Southern girl loves the USA, almost as much as she loves her family, and a little more than she loves football. The Southern girl can't pass a Lilly Pulitzer without at least sticking her head in. The Southern girl ALWAYS has a set of pearls, usually passed down by generations. The Southern girl is me. It's who I am. Forever embedded into my blood, entwined into my DNA. And how lucky am I to be that way?

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