Monday, September 2, 2013



A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. 

Ahh, romance. Something sought after day after day year after year. But, what is romance anyway? Mystery, in its formal definition. But, is that really romance? To a 3 year old girl, romance may be a boy sharing his brand new pack of 64 crayons with her. To the 16 year old, romance may be the person who they lost their utmost precious gift to, their virginity, in the back of their car. To the grad student, romance may be dinner and a movie. To the 40 year old, romance may be splitting the dinner duty every other night. But, the big question is, how do we find romance? This to is found in different ways. To the 3 year old, it may be on the playground. To the 16 year old, it may be their junior prom. To the grad student, it may be in their new job. To the 40 year old, it may be the house they grew up in.  To the lost, to the confused, to the soulless, to the searching, to the lonely, to the broken, to the unlucky, to everyone like me, romance may be the anonymity, the distance, the wanderlust that's found in some place like New York City. Romance. Different for everyone. Take it at your own pace. It's what you make it. 

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