Monday, September 30, 2013


Religion is something that is considered quite controversial in today's society. This is my personal experience with my religion, please don't be offended. 

 I have always been raised in a Christian family. I have always been encouraged to pray. I recited Bible verses as a child. I knew hyms by heart, and so on. However, my family was never one to go to church every Sunday. We went to church on Easter and Christmas, like a lot of people do, but that was it. I knew of God, but I definitely didn't know God. In middle school and my freshman year I strayed even more away from religion. I had a very tough time in middle school and my freshman year, even seeing a therapist for depression. I would pray every night, but quickly became discouraged because God didn't answer my prayers as quickly as I wanted to. I began to become hopeless. I swore that God didn't care about me, that He abandoned me, and that I was alone. 

 Christmas of my freshman year, I began recieving texts from people that went to the church I belong to. Someone had put me on the prayer request list at church. I asked my mom if she did, she hadn't. Neither had dad. No one seemed to know who did it. The following Sunday, I asked my family to go to church with me. That was the start of the best chain of events that could happen to me. 

 Now I go to church every Sunday. God is the center of my life. He is my whole life. I just wanted to say thank you, to whoever put me on that list, you saved me. 

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