Friday, September 13, 2013


It is said that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single heart,but Zeus fearing their power,split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for their other half. This is what we know as soul mates. Contrary to the popular belief, I don't believe your soulmate is the person you say your "I Do's" to at the alter. I might be the only person in the whole world who believes this, but I believe your soulmate is your best friend. Your closest friend. The one that can complete your sentences, and knows how your heart feels without a single world. They are the friend that you can go ages without seeing and everything will be normal...although we never wait that long. They're the person we talk to everyday. The person who you can sit in complete silence with. The person who knows every secret, even the dark ones you keep deep down in the locked cellar of your heart. While everyone believes soulmates to be associated with romantic love, I believe it to be associated with Platonic love. (Platonic love is a chaste and strong type of love that is non-sexual.) Although marriages seem to end quite frequently over a simple fight, how many fights do you seem to have with your best friend only for them to always be by your side? With divorce rate at the all time high,long term marriage seems to be a rarity. For me, my best friend knows everything about me. We don't even have to say I love you, yet I know it's implied. She lives nowhere near me but I'm closer to her than ever. Someone who completes you. That's what a soulmate is. 

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