Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Growing up.

It seems our whole lives we look forward to the future. Getting older. Each year after a birthday passes we wait for the next birthday, never focusing on the goodness this age will bring us. After Christmas passes we wait for the next one. After we enter middle school we anticipate high school. After we enter high school, we daydream about college. When we're little girls we dream about prom, but when we get go prom we begin dreaming about our wedding. Why? Why are we so insatiable?  I think we as human inevitably are designed to look forward to the future, prepare for what's ahead. Which, in theory, preparedness helps ensure our survival. But,is that really living? Enjoy your birthdays. Enjoy your Christmases. Enjoy prom. But, enjoy each day. Enjoy each breath that you're allowed on this earth. Life is a present, and it seems we are too often focused more on the wrapping, than what's actually inside

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