Sunday, September 15, 2013


In honor of the Miss America Pageant, I'm about to blog about something seemingly controversial, outward beauty. Every day you hear something in the media about so and so gaining weight, or so and so being too skinny, nowadays it seems like everyone is criticized. Not only are we criticized by society, but GIRLS, WE CRITICIZE EACH OTHER. Are you serious? I constantly hear "blonde girls are better than brunette girls." Or "Curvy girls are better than skinny girls." Or, "tan girls are better than pale girls." We, as young women should be SUPPORTING each other and encouraging our beauty. Of course, you hear the classic "Inner beauty is what counts." Which is true, inner beauty makes you beautiful. But sometimes, we want to be considered outwardly beautiful. As superficial as that may seem, I think that's okay. We have the right to be able to want to be considered attractive. I get so sad overhearing the comments girls make about each other. I can't walk through my high school without being called fat at least once a week. Not by someone traditionally mean, or traditionally a bully, but by a GIRL. A girl. Are you kidding me? Why do we feel the need as girls to tear others confidence down to build ours up. We need to start supporting each other. Girls, you are all beautiful. Whether someone can see it or not is THEIR fault. Not yours. 

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