Thursday, January 9, 2014


You know what makes life suck? Expectation. Not like expecting simple things, like to come home for instance,but unreasonable expectation. We as human beings expect to be as the media tells us to be. From birth we are bred to be the best of the best. We crave being the perfect human being. A Victoria's Secret looking bodied, Albert Einstein brained, Mozart piano playing person. Truth is, this is unattainable. So when we aren't these things, we become unhappy. We think that we will be happier if we were just a little skinnier, or richer, or more successful, or smarter or more admired. Even that we aren't loved enough or that we aren't loved in the way we're supposed to be. This ultimately leads to our demise as a happy person. We forget to live in the moment. We constantly postpone really living all just over the notion of what life should be like, rather than what life is actually  like.   Why do we continuously INSIST that our lives should be a certain way? Why don't you value them the way they are now? Stop living for the unattainable. Instead live for the now, the today, the moments we will never get back. 

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