Monday, March 3, 2014

Life Lessons.

I would like to share with you a few tips of advice I have been fortunate enough to learn at an early age.

It is better to love and get hurt than to have never loved at all.
It is better to take chances than wonder what might have happened.
When you fall down 5 times, you get up 6.
It is better to feel sorrow, than to feel absolutely numb.
It is better to leave than risk hurting yourself over and over.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Only you can determine your self worth.
Genius stems from madness.
Brilliance stems from hurt.
Music cures a multitude of ills.
Miracles do happen.
Standing in the rain is quite cleansing.
It is better to be respected than to be liked.
The only way to fail at life is to abstain.
Time heals all.
Forgive but don't forget.
Refuse to be a slave to the ordinary.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
It is both a blessing and a curse to feel emotion very deeply.
Think with your heart.
It's never too late to be who you want to be.
It's okay to start over.
You can do anything...but not everything.
It is better to be single than to settle.
It's okay to be a mess sometimes.
Tears are okay,too.
You can't hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life.
Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.
Know when it's time to leave.
The hardest people to love also love the hardest.
Sometimes people just need a smile.
Step outside your comfort zone.
Adventure may hurt but monotony will kill you.
See the beauty in everyday things.
Pray every step of the way.
A home is about who you're with.
It's okay to fail.
Make peace with your past.
Stop thinking too much.
Stop comparing your darkest days to everyone elses highlight reel.
Not everyone is meant to stay.
Life is scary.
Life is beautiful.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


You know what makes life suck? Expectation. Not like expecting simple things, like to come home for instance,but unreasonable expectation. We as human beings expect to be as the media tells us to be. From birth we are bred to be the best of the best. We crave being the perfect human being. A Victoria's Secret looking bodied, Albert Einstein brained, Mozart piano playing person. Truth is, this is unattainable. So when we aren't these things, we become unhappy. We think that we will be happier if we were just a little skinnier, or richer, or more successful, or smarter or more admired. Even that we aren't loved enough or that we aren't loved in the way we're supposed to be. This ultimately leads to our demise as a happy person. We forget to live in the moment. We constantly postpone really living all just over the notion of what life should be like, rather than what life is actually  like.   Why do we continuously INSIST that our lives should be a certain way? Why don't you value them the way they are now? Stop living for the unattainable. Instead live for the now, the today, the moments we will never get back. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year.

As cliche as it sounds,I love the New Year. It feels like an infinite amount of opportunity waits for you in the coming months. It is with the first day of the new year that one feels refreshed. It's almost an invincible feeling,really. Truthfully, we don't know what the new year will bring. That's part of the mystery of it all. For some, they might get married. But for others, the year might end in divorce. Some may graduate, while others drop out of school. Some families may expand, while others experience loss. That's the beautiful part of the new year. The unknown. Think about how tragic life would be without the unknown. How dreadful would it be every day to wake up knowing what was going to happen? Think about that for a second. Can you imagine waking up knowing it was your last day on earth? Or the opposite end of the spectrum, can you imagine waking up knowing you were going to be proposed to? It is the unknown that makes the new year so magical. It is the unknown that makes each fresh start beautiful. It is the unknown that makes life so special.